The latest Vanuatu reforestation project is being led by the NL Section! They are helping to restore land that was damaged by Cyclone Harold, a severe tropical storm that damaged several northern pacific islands in April, 2020.

Vanuatu is a nation in the South Pacific comprised of some 80 islands with tropical forest cover. Small local sawmills do most of the cutting and are responsible for reforestation. Reforestation is obtained through natural means, i.e. seed from trees retained after logging and through planting.
The MALAMPA Timber Producers Co-operative (MTPC) represents some twenty sawmills from as many villages. MTPC is co-ordinating seedling production (of valuable timber species and rare native species) their distribution and planting, as well as careful logging and tending of natural regeneration.
This project enabled MTPC to grow additional seedlings and protect the tree nursery from damage by domestic animals. The timing of this project was especially relevant as Cyclone Pam in 2015 and Cyclone Harold in 2020 caused widespread damage to the forests.
Project Results:
3,000 mahogany (Swietenia spp.), 400 tamarind (Tamarindus indica), 300 whitewood (Endospermum medullosum) and three hundred sandalwood (Santalum austro-caledonicum) seedlings were raised and distruted for planting.
Training resources were prepared and distributed to six regions of the island of Malekula, and to members of the MALAMPA Timber Producers where trees had been cut.